Monday, October 5, 2009

Update Oct, 05 2009 Pro and Con " The Every Other Day Diet " Program By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Dangerous Diets - Extremes You Should Never Go to For the Sake of Your Health
By Miranda Smith

It is understandable that people want to lose weight but it is a whole other thing putting your health in jeopardy. It amazes me how far people will go to lose weight but that is partially due to either lack of information or just the wrong information. Here are some basic diet plans you should not be following and could be a big hazard to your health.

Low Carb Diets:

The first problem that comes up with low carb diets is dehydration. When you restrict the body of carbohydrates, you also deplete the body of glycogen and when this happens your body goes into dehydration mode. This is usually why people quickly see their weight drop within the first few days, it is all water weight! The second issue is the fact that carbohydrates give you energy, people who go on the Atkins diet often feel very sluggish and low on energy. When you start a new diet, you should look to feel more energized and healthy instead.

Extremely Low Calorie Diets:

Did you know that your body burns the same amount of calories you take in daily? Let's say on average you consume 2000 calories, then your body will try to burn those 2000 calories per day. Now let's say you go and start eating just 500 calories a day, guess how many calories your body will try to burn? It will burn 500 calories. You can start to see why starving yourself is counter productive to weight loss and can also permanently damage your metabolism.

Food Group Banners:

If you see any diets that ban entire food groups like poultry, dairy or grains, don't fall for them! Banning entire food groups is not the way to lose weight. You need total balance in your diet that means getting enough fruit and vegetables for fiber, grains for base meals that give you energy and poultry/dairy for protein.

If you are looking for a long term, balanced diet that anyone can follow, I recommend the "Every Other Day Diet". This diet allows you to eat all of your favorite foods half the time, and the other half you spend eating fat burning foods. It allows you to lose weight while still enjoying delicious food. To learn how you can lose your fat permanently, click here for more information.

Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Maintaining a Positive Relationship With Food - An Often Overlooked Key in Weight Loss
By Miranda Smith

Most of the new diets that come out every year are excessively restrictive. Many of them require you to count calories and measure every morsel before you even think of putting it in your mouth. Does this sound natural to you? It seems very robot like that you should have to obsessively plan out your meals every single day. Some diets even ban entire food groups like carbohydrate rich grains. It is a fact that carbohydrates give us energy, that is why most people on the Atkins diet are always so sluggish. The more extreme diets make you eat only one meal like cabbage soup every single day, this is the perfect recipe for passing out and putting your health in danger. It is very sad to see that people blindly follow the latest fad diets without even giving it a second though.

These types of diets cause people to "over think" what they are eating. It creates a very strong and negative relationship with foods that easily lead to eating disorders. Binging is something many dieters experience. They go on a diet for a few weeks successfully but soon start to crave the foods their diet strictly prohibits. Eventually their desires get the better of them and they eat large amounts of food in one sitting. This leads people to having a love-hate relationship with food. Your best bet at losing weight permanently is to find a diet that you can actually live with. The diet must not make you count calories or be too restrictive. It needs to give you enough freedom to live your life normally.

If you don't have the free time to do research on a good diet, let me recommend the Every Other Day Diet. The basic outline of it is that you follow a healthy diet one day and the next day you "rotate" it with all your favorite junk foods. The goal with this diet is to be something everyone can follow without feeling imprisoned and is easy enough to be used for the long term.

To learn more about the Every Other Day Diet, click here for more information.

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Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally
By Jana Suzzane Platinum Quality Author

A fruit and vegetable diet cleanse may be just what you have been looking for if you want to lose weight really fast in a totally natural way.

It certainly was a winner for me! I lost 13 pounds in 14 days when I did a simple fruit and vegetable diet cleanse. I ate a ton of food (fresh fruits and vegetables) and I was never hungry and the weight came off easily!

I learned about the fruit and vegetable diet a few years back when I read a book about a man who found that when he decided to eat fruits, vegetables and nuts every other day he lost a lot of weight. I thought that was an interesting concept and I gave it a try. That was my first experience with eating raw foods - even though only on a limited basis (every other day) and I did lose some weight.

This "every other day" experiment got me more interested in fruit and vegetable diets and the raw food diet movement. I did a lot of research about the health improvement and fast weight loss that can come from eating a diet that consists of mostly raw fruits and vegetables and a limited amount of nuts and seeds.

I had the usual concerns about getting enough protein and getting balanced nutrition from this way of eating. Those concerns were taken care of after finding that many fruit and vegetables contain the life giving nutrients - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes and more that I need to thrive.

You may not want to eat like I do all the time - my diet consists of a very high percentage of fruit and vegetables every day.

But if you want to lose weight fast, you will want to do a fruit and vegetable diet cleanse like I did for 14 days and experience a totally natural way to get the weight off and also give your body a cleansing rejuvenation. Imagine how great you will feel 14 days from now, when your clothes are looser, and your body and soul are lighter!

The Fruit and Vegetable Diet with menus and recipes that I give my clients to help them lose weight fast and keep it off! Learn exactly which foods will help you lose the weight fast without hunger!

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