Sunday, December 20, 2009

Update DEC. 20 - 2009 Pro and Con "The Every Other Day Diet " Program By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

The Every Other Day Diet - Drawbacks You Need to Consider Before You Decide
By Raquel Jacobsen

The Every Other Day Diet is a great diet plan that is helping many people who have struggled with losing weight in the past. That being said there are a few things that you should be aware of if you are researching the EODD diet plan. This article will give you these potential drawbacks to help you decide if this program if for you.

  1. You will have to do some form of exercise. Jon Benson the author of this program tells you this right from the start. This can be a problem for some people if they are sedentary or have disabilities. The author goes into detail though about this not being an obstacle as the forms of acceptable exercise are very diverse. Almost anyone can accomplish what is outlined and lose pounds
  2. The every other day eating is only for one of the four diet plans that make up this diet plan. The primer plan is the only one that actually allows you to eat your favorite foods every other day. The good thing is that most people lose most of their weight on the primer plan and only use the more extreme plans when the weight loss slows.
  3. When Jon says you can eat your favorite foods he isn't kidding. but you are limited to eating those foods during one meal. Not every meal for that day. The science behind this diet is solid, so you must follow this plan closely for it to work. It is advanced psychologically because you can eat things you crave regularly, but the eating plan must be rigorously followed to see exceptional weight loss.

Those are the things you will need to consider if you are seriously thinking of using the Every Other Day Diet to lose weight. This diet has helped thousands of people who have struggled time and again too lose weight without success. If you fall into that category and can accept the drawbacks listed above, you probably should give the EODD a try.


The Every Other Day Diet (EODD) can be very powerful for those who have struggled with traditional dieting. Go to for more information. Since most people have already tried traditional dieting already (and failed), the EODD could be the answer to their weight loss goals.

To learn more about the every other day diet Click Here.

Raquel Jacobsen is a professional dietitian who has reviewed over seventy modern diets.

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Every Other Day Diet Reviews - Does it Work?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Every Other Day Diet is build on a unique concept: On one day you eat high-protein foods which help you to burn fat fast, but on the other day you can eat practically what you wish. And that includes things like pizza and burgers.

The idea behind the Every Other Day Diet is to create a weight loss plan which people can enjoy using and stick to for a long time. We all know that the main problem with regular diets is that they deprive your body of too much of the food you enjoy and cause you to have intense cravings which are hard to resist for long. By allowing you to indulge yourself (in moderation) every other day, you're guaranteed to be able to stick to the diet plan for a long time.

Okay, this sounds very good, but the question is does the Every Other Day Diet really works or is it a scam?

I believe that the Every Other Day Diet is no scam for the following reasons:

1. It is doctor approved. You can't expect a higher mark of approval than that.

2. It was created by 3 of the most renowned diet and fitness experts in the world, headed by Jon Benson, a noted trainer, author, and nutrition expert.

3. The reviews of the Every Other Day Diet are highly positive among diet and fitness professionals.

4. The results of this diet are impressive. People lose weight with it. That's the bottom line.

5. It comes with a money back guarantee, so even if you're not satisfied, you can rest assured that your investment in this diet is risk free.

But above all, the results people get are what counts. The truth is that the Every Other Day Diet provides the perfect balance between the physical aspect of weight loss and the emotional one. By allowing you to eat what you wish, you can enjoy the process and not just suffer through it. This is a main benefit, and something which increases your chances of achieving a fast and continuous weight loss.

To read how you can lose weight and eat what you like, visit this webpage:

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To get a bonus weight loss ebook for free, click here: Every Other Day Diet.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Update DEC. 07 - 2009 Pro and Con " The Every Other Day Diet " Program By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Every Other Day Diet Reviews
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The dismal statistics of diets are that about 95% of them utterly fail. Either people don't lose weight or they end up gaining it all back again (sometimes even more than they lost). This happens for many reasons: psychological and physical.

One weight loss plan which produces excellent results for both men and women is the Every Other Day Diet by Jon Benson, a former overweight man, who became an internationally recognized fat loss expert after he dropped over 65 pounds and dedicated his life to finding new weight loss methods that actually do work.

In trying to find a way to avoid the dismal statistics of dieting, Jon Benson tried to find some way to overcome the psychological and physical reasons of why so many diets fail. This is what the Every Other Day Diet (EODD for short) tries to achieve.

The Every Other Day Diet works by splitting your days into 2 groups: In the first are days in which you need to eat high protein foods which help you feel fuller for long and to boost your metabolism. On the other days (every other day in fact), you can let yourself go and "strategically" enjoy your favorite foods. "Strategically" means that you need to eat your favorite foods in a smart way. For instance, you can't stuff yourself silly. You do need to have some self control. The way you schedule your meals around your workouts is also important.

But the main thing is that, unlike most other diet plans, with EODD you can have your favorite foods. And, as testimonials show, both men and women manage to lose weight with this plan.

However, you do need to be determined to make this work. You have to be strong to not overeat your favorite foods and you do need to workout regularly as it is part of the program. If you feel that once you're allowed to give in to the temptation of your favorite foods, you won't be able to stop yourself in time, then you need a more strict diet program than EODD.

Having your favorite foods once in a while reduces diet attrition, which is the danger that you won't be able to stick to your plan for a long time. This is hardly likely to happen as you should be able to stick to eating dietary foods for a day before the next time you can indulge yourself.

EODD is based on calorie cycling which helps your body handle dieting better without plateauing, which delays weight loss or even stops it completely. Plateauing and diet attrition are 2 main reasons why diets fail. I believe that EODD helps to solve both those things. This is why it can work for you.

Visit EveryOtherDayDiet Review to see how this program really works.

Go to Is EODD a Scam? to see what this program includes and who Jon Benson is. John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

The EODD Diet - Does it Work?