Monday, December 7, 2009

Update DEC. 07 - 2009 Pro and Con " The Every Other Day Diet " Program By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Every Other Day Diet Reviews
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The dismal statistics of diets are that about 95% of them utterly fail. Either people don't lose weight or they end up gaining it all back again (sometimes even more than they lost). This happens for many reasons: psychological and physical.

One weight loss plan which produces excellent results for both men and women is the Every Other Day Diet by Jon Benson, a former overweight man, who became an internationally recognized fat loss expert after he dropped over 65 pounds and dedicated his life to finding new weight loss methods that actually do work.

In trying to find a way to avoid the dismal statistics of dieting, Jon Benson tried to find some way to overcome the psychological and physical reasons of why so many diets fail. This is what the Every Other Day Diet (EODD for short) tries to achieve.

The Every Other Day Diet works by splitting your days into 2 groups: In the first are days in which you need to eat high protein foods which help you feel fuller for long and to boost your metabolism. On the other days (every other day in fact), you can let yourself go and "strategically" enjoy your favorite foods. "Strategically" means that you need to eat your favorite foods in a smart way. For instance, you can't stuff yourself silly. You do need to have some self control. The way you schedule your meals around your workouts is also important.

But the main thing is that, unlike most other diet plans, with EODD you can have your favorite foods. And, as testimonials show, both men and women manage to lose weight with this plan.

However, you do need to be determined to make this work. You have to be strong to not overeat your favorite foods and you do need to workout regularly as it is part of the program. If you feel that once you're allowed to give in to the temptation of your favorite foods, you won't be able to stop yourself in time, then you need a more strict diet program than EODD.

Having your favorite foods once in a while reduces diet attrition, which is the danger that you won't be able to stick to your plan for a long time. This is hardly likely to happen as you should be able to stick to eating dietary foods for a day before the next time you can indulge yourself.

EODD is based on calorie cycling which helps your body handle dieting better without plateauing, which delays weight loss or even stops it completely. Plateauing and diet attrition are 2 main reasons why diets fail. I believe that EODD helps to solve both those things. This is why it can work for you.

Visit EveryOtherDayDiet Review to see how this program really works.

Go to Is EODD a Scam? to see what this program includes and who Jon Benson is. John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

The EODD Diet - Does it Work?

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