Friday, June 25, 2010

Update June 25 - 2010 Pro's and Con's "The Every Other Day Diet - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

The Every Other Day Diet Review - 3 Things That Make the EODD Diet Unique
By Tess Rainey Platinum Quality Author

In the Every Other Day Diet Review below you will learn 3 things that make the EODD diet unique. Unlike most diets out there, this diet isn't based on counting calories, cutting out all the foods you love and basically restricting you from enjoying life. The 3 points below are the backbone to how this diet is different and why it might actually work for you.

1. Based on Nutrition: The basic premise of this diet is to eat the right foods, take the right supplements and do so at the right times. There are no schemes or gimmicks that make this system work, it is simply based on nutrition and the act of giving our bodies what they need when they need it. Most people haven't got a clue of how to go about this, this system breaks it down with easy to follow steps.

2. Realistic Goals: Unlike most diets, the Every Other Day Diet is a lifestyle change, but doesn't expect you to give up your favorite foods. Setting realistic goals and knowing that moderation is the key to making everything work is really what sets this diet apart from the majority of diet plans out there. While eating healthy and doing so on a regular basis is the most important part, being able to still eat the foods that you love and want is essential if you are going to stick with a so-called diet.

3. Proven Results: Not only is the creator of this diet living proof that it has worked, but his statistics show that he has shared this trick with over 300,000 people in 107 countries. There are real testimonials from real people showing results from this program as well as feedback from doctors confirming that this plan is scientifically sound, has real world support and is something that people will actually follow.

This Every Other Day Diet Review discussed 3 things that sets the EODD plan apart from all the other diets out there. Instead of asking you to eliminate certain foods, count calories and basically drive you crazy, this diet is based on nutrition, realistic goals and proven results. The only flaw with the Every Other Day Diet is the belief that you can and should still eat junk food. Eating your favorite foods on occasion is fine, but putting an absolute requirement in the diet seems unhealthy. Certain foods, especially processed and fast foods, should be avoided whenever possible for optimal health.

That being said, the Every Other Day Diet does have many good qualities and people have and will see good results by using it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Update June 12 - 2010 Pro's and Con's "The Every Other Day Diet - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Every Other Day Diet Review - Common Questions and Answers
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Every Other Day Diet is a popular fat loss plan. Yet, for those who are still not using it, there is more that is unknown than what is known. To help solve that, I thought I'd compile a list of some of the common questions regarding the Every Other Day Diet and my answers to those questions. I hope that this will help shed some light on what this program is and how it really works.

Question: Can you really eat anything you want on this diet every other day?

Answer: You can eat a lot of undietary foods such as pizza, burgers, and so on every other day, yes. However, you can't eat as much as you want. You can't stuff yourself silly. You still have to exercise sound judgment for this plan to work. Eat what you like but in moderation.

Question: Isn't this too good to be true?

Answer: Don't expect to lose weight on the EODD Diet without making an effort. While you can enjoy your favorite foods once every two days, on the rest of the days you need to follow a more strict eating plan which is high in protein and fiber. This helps to create the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss.

Question: How can I know this plan will work for me?

Answer: No one can ever know for sure that a diet plan will work for them. That being said, the Every Other Day Diet has worked for a lot of people before so you can expect good results with it. In any case, you can also ask for your money back within 60 days if you see that it's not for you.

Question: Do I need to workout while on this program?

Answer: Yes, exercising, especially strength training, will help you lose more fat faster. It's as simple as that.

Question: Can I use this diet if I'm a vegetarian?

Answer: You can find a lot of plant protein sources (and if you eat eggs this is easy) so yes, I see no problem in following the Every Other Day Diet for vegetarians.

Question: Is this diet for all ages?

Answer: The EODD Diet is for adults only. Other than that, it should work for all ages as long as you don't have any health issue that requires special food or dietary measures.

Question: How much weight can I lose with this diet plan?

Answer: Jon Benson reports that he lost over 60 pounds using these principles among others so you can lose a lot of weight with the EODD Diet. However, personal weight loss is something that is different for each person.

For more on this weight loss plans visit Every Other Day Diet Reviews

To see how you can lose weight fast, click here: Best Online Diet Plans

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Recommended Reading
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

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