Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " The Every Other Day Diet " Program By Health Experts

The Every Other Day Diet is designed by Jon Benson, a well respect a fitness expert. It's diet program has received excellent testimonials and expert reviews since 2004. In this program, you can eat fatty foods every other day and you still lose weight as long as you workout right and eat highly nutritious, low-fat high-protein foods on the first day. As always, we provide you with information and health expert Pro and Con opinions toward this program. Please read the information carefully and consult your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow the route of this diet program.

Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

3 Steps You Can Take to Treat Your Diabetes - Diet, Exercise and Medications
By Jamison Bentley Platinum Quality Author

Do you have diabetes or does someone in your family have diabetes? Diabetes is nothing more than a buildup of sugar in your blood which can lead to some serious complications. Complications from diabetes are known to be heart attacks, kidney failure and even blindness.

There are three steps that you can take to help control this glucose in your blood to control these complications. You can exercise, eat a proper diet and take all medications given to you by your physician.

As far as exercise goes, this could be something as simple as walking every day or every other day for 30 to 40 minutes. Walking will burn calories to reduce your weight, help to bring your glucose levels down, and strengthen your heart and muscles. Please, consult with a physician before starting any exercise program.

Medications can come in oral pills or insulin injections. Take your medications exactly has the physician has prescribed and if you have problems call your doctor's office and discuss with them.

Fact: There are Diabetic Meal Plans Online for Free today.

Diets for Diabetes are a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and a reduction in calories if you are overweight. You need to follow the diet plan so you can lose weight and control your diabetes. There are some who have followed the diets who state that not only is their glucose under control but they have lost 20 to 30 pounds.

Sometimes it might feel like there is a lot to do to control diabetes, but take it one day at a time. Take these 3 steps and you are on your way to controlling your sugar level and losing weight. You can get your life back into balance.

Take that step today, stop the complications before they start. Do this for yourself and your family.

I have found this resource for Free Diabetic Diet Plan and would like to share it with you.

All you have to do is answer 5 quick questions for a free $200 diet that can help you lose 20-30lbs.

Click Here! for a Free Diabetic Diet

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Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Boot Camp For the Bride - Wedding Day Diet When You Have Less Than 2 Weeks
By Jane Stein

You can actually lose those last ten pounds in just two weeks. it's not going to be easy. But you can do it. This plan will help you do it.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor nor do I have any formal training in nutrition. This is a short term diet and exercise plan designed to help you lose weight quickly for an event. Do NOT do this without consulting a physical first. Do not do this if you are pregnant or have any health concerns. I am NOT a doctor.

I invented this plan for myself after reading thousands of books, magazine, and newspaper articles on nutrition and dieting. It worked beautifully for me. In only ten days I dropped 8 pounds and became absolutely shredded! It's the hottest my body ever looked.
On this short term plan, you will find that you drop close to 5 pounds in just the first few days. On many plans you drop quickly but it's all water. This plan allow you to drop fat and build muscle. However, you MUST do the exercises. However, beware, if you've already been fitted for your dress, remember that it might be very lose on you, which is was for me.

Boot Camp Plan For the Bride:

The plan:

There are several different variations on this plan, I've listed this different 3 different plans. You can mix and match different lunches, breakfasts, dinners snacks. Amounts are strict for everything except for vegetables. You can have those in unlimited amounts. It's also very important that you eat your fruit before noon. Other than that, make it your own and make it work for you.



One (whole) Grapefruit
Two hard boiled eggs

11 almonds

1 cup of full fat cottage cheese
1/2 avocado
1 sliced tomato

7 macadamia nuts

4 cups of romaine lettuce
4 oz of chicken, diced and added to lettuce
2 tablespoons of full fat dressing


1 cup of full fat cottage cheese
2 tablespoons of seeds (either flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or even pine nuts)

one apple 1 piece of string cheese

4 cups of frozen spinach heated in a frying pan
2 eggs scrambled in
2 oz of goat cheese

tomato and 1 oz of cheese any kind

Sauteed green peppers, green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli with 5 oz of chicken.
Use no more than 1 tablespoon of oil to sautee


1 cup of plain full fat yogurt (can be sweetened with splenda if you choose)
1 cup of blueberries mixed in

1 tablespoon of almond butter or natural unsweetened peanut butter on an apple

4 cups of romaine lettuce
1 can of tuna or salmon
2 tablespoons of full fat dressing or 1 tablespoon of Mayonnaise

celery stalks with up to 4 tablespoons of whipped cream cheese

4 oz of shrimp, or salmon or other kind of shellfish or seafood and a stew made of red peppers and eggplant. (cut up peppers and eggplant, sautee them in a pan with 1 tablespoon of oil until they become soft and tender season with salt and pepper)

So, that's the meal plan. it's very easy and very tasty.


Every other day do this:

If you have a treadmill:

Run on the treadmill as fast as you can for 30 seconds - 1 minute on an incline. Then, set it down to a crawl and walk for two minutes. Do this ten times!
Repeat this every other day.

If you don't have a treadmill:

Find the steepest hill you can. Run up it as fast as you can. Then walk slowly down. Do this ten times!

If you don't have a treadmill and live in a flat place:

Get a jumprope: Jump as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Then stop and just walk slowly back and forth (pace) for two minutes.

If you don't have a treadmill, live in a flat place and can't afford a jumprope:
Do 30 seconds of jumping jacks as fast as you can. Stop and slowly pace for two minutes. Repeat 10 times.

On the days that you're not doing the running/jumping do this:

These are isometric exercises designed to tighten every part of your body:
If you can't do all the reps immediately, start slow, do what you can and build up.

#1.)tighten your calves until you feel the burn. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat ten times.

#2) tighten your quadriceps (upper thighs) until you feel the burn. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat ten times.

#3.) Stand up in front of a mirror, pull your stomach up and in. hold it for ten seconds. Repeat 20 times

#4.)Lay on your left side, flex your right foot that is on top and lift and lower it fifty times.

#5.)Cross your right foot over your left knee. Flex your left foot and lift and lower it fifty times.

#6.)Lay on your right side, flex your left foot that is on top and lift and lower it fifty times.

#7.)Cross your left foot over your right knee. Flex your right foot and lift and lower it fifty times.

#8.)sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your hands on the floor behind your hips. Slowly lift your whole body using your arms. Repeat ten times

#9.)Stand up and face a wall. Pretend that you are trying to push that wall. Push as hard as you can for ten seconds. Repeat ten times.

And that's it. Easy!
Do this and look forward to trimming down quickly and having a toned, lean healthy body.

Recommended Program
The Every other day Diet
You Can Lose All The Weight You Want
While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods Every Week.

Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally
By Jana Suzzane Platinum Quality Author

A fruit and vegetable diet cleanse may be just what you have been looking for if you want to lose weight really fast in a totally natural way.

It certainly was a winner for me! I lost 13 pounds in 14 days when I did a simple fruit and vegetable diet cleanse. I ate a ton of food (fresh fruits and vegetables) and I was never hungry and the weight came off easily!

I learned about the fruit and vegetable diet a few years back when I read a book about a man who found that when he decided to eat fruits, vegetables and nuts every other day he lost a lot of weight. I thought that was an interesting concept and I gave it a try. That was my first experience with eating raw foods - even though only on a limited basis (every other day) and I did lose some weight.

This "every other day" experiment got me more interested in fruit and vegetable diets and the raw food diet movement. I did a lot of research about the health improvement and fast weight loss that can come from eating a diet that consists of mostly raw fruits and vegetables and a limited amount of nuts and seeds.

I had the usual concerns about getting enough protein and getting balanced nutrition from this way of eating. Those concerns were taken care of after finding that many fruit and vegetables contain the life giving nutrients - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes and more that I need to thrive.

You may not want to eat like I do all the time - my diet consists of a very high percentage of fruit and vegetables every day.

But if you want to lose weight fast, you will want to do a fruit and vegetable diet cleanse like I did for 14 days and experience a totally natural way to get the weight off and also give your body a cleansing rejuvenation. Imagine how great you will feel 14 days from now, when your clothes are looser, and your body and soul are lighter!

The Fruit and Vegetable Diet with menus and recipes that I give my clients to help them lose weight fast and keep it off! Learn exactly which foods will help you lose the weight fast without hunger!

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